5 Ways You Can Boost Your Credit Score So You Can Buy the Home of Your Dreams!

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Has your credit score gotten out of control? Are you in the market to buy a home but your credit score is too low? The truth is that many Americans find their credit to be inadequate once they end up in a meeting with a loan officer to discuss buying a home. Whether first-time buyers or long-time veterans of the home buying process, your credit score must meet some minimum guidelines in order to qualify for a mortgage.

It does take some time, but with some effort, diligence and responsibility – you can get your credit back on track and be well on your way to owning a home. Here are five easy-to-follow tips that can boost your credit score fairly quickly.

Pay Your Bills On Time
This one may seem obvious but many borrowers have no idea just how much paying on time positively impacts a credit score. Likewise, the damage done when you don’t pay bills on time is hard to repair. The best way to ensure things get paid on time is to set up automatic payments or utilize the myriad apps out there designed to make you remember. Use your Google calendar, sync it with your smartphone, print out a bills chart – whatever it takes, don’t forget to pay your bills on time!

Keep Balances Low
A common misconception about credit health is that there are no penalties if a borrower charges credit cards close to the maximum credit limit. On the contrary, lenders and credit experts suggest keeping your balances as low as possible. This demonstrates your use of the card responsibly. Remember, unless you have the funds to pay those balances back it’s best not to charge large balances in the first place. Work toward paying off balances in the order from highest to lowest balances for the maximum benefit to your credit score.

Be Careful When Opening New Accounts
Opening and closing accounts creates a negative impression to the credit powers that be. The red flags caused on your credit profile can harm your ability to borrow now or in the future. It is much better to obtain and keep just a couple revolving credit accounts open and then use them to the maximum efficiency. If you’re concerned that there are inaccuracies on your account, check with all three credit-reporting agencies (Equifax, Transunion and Experian) to request a free copy of your report so you can clarify any errors.

Limit New Credit Inquiries to a Small Window of Time
A number of inquiries within a small window of time are treated as a single inquiry. When shopping for a mortgage or even an auto loan, a good practice is to entertain as many quotes as you like within a short window of time. Credit agencies know and recognize that consumers need to shop around for the best rates but when you have inquiries that are all over the map and spanning months, not weeks, it can hurt your credit score with each inquiry.

Always Handle Your Credit Responsibly
It goes without saying that your credit outlook is probably the most important thing for your financial health and well being. It is critical to handle all financial transactions responsibly so that when you are ready to buy a home or a car or anything else that requires a strong credit outlook, you are armed with a great record! The old adage “one step up, two steps backward” holds true when it comes to making a mistake on your credit report and trying to get it repaired.

Establishing a good credit history is a good habit if you want to get a great rate on a mortgage or other loans. If your credit is a concern, we can connect you with one of several lender partners we work closely with. And they will gladly work with you to rectify specific concerns. Regardless of where you are in the process, we welcome your calls and visits if you are interested in buying or selling a home.